Web-based water quality and consumption monitoring information system with IoT integration Jurnal english

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Sheva Nugraha
Hafizh alfaris
Nadia Anbar Salsabila
Dwi Vernanda


Drinking water is a vital human need as it directly relates to human survival. The quality of drinking water is a crucial aspect to ensure human health. However, much of the drinking water available does not meet consumption standards, thus posing a potential threat to human health. This research utilizes the Rapid Application Development (RAD) methodology, which empHasizes fast system development through prototyping and continuous iteration. The objective of this research is to monitor the quality of drinking water using an Arduino Uno microcontroller based on the Internet of Things. The research involves the design and testing of the system. The results indicate that the Water Quality and Consumption Monitoring System built using Arduino Uno and web monitoring is capable of reading the pH sensor values and turbidity sensor values of water. The microcontroller sends real-time data of pH and turbidity values to the Database on the website. Thus, this system allows users to monitor the actual conditions of pH and turbidity values and the water quality status via the website.

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