Author Guidelines

General information

Indonesian Nursing Journal promotes the development of nursing knowledge in Indonesia and internationally by publishing original research articles and synthesized literature. Manuscripts must not be previously published or under consideration for publication elsewhere.

Manuscript submission preparation

General rules

Manuscripts can be written in English. In writing manuscripts, authors are expected to pay attention to good and correct manuscript writing techniques. The number of pages of the manuscript is no more than 10 pages and the body of the manuscript uses 1 space. The beginning of the paragraph is indented 1 cm. The first time an abbreviation appears in the text, it must be followed by its explanation. All tables and figures must be typed on a separate page and numbered according to the order of the text. Files should be saved in Microsoft word format or open text document extension. Manuscripts must be submitted to the website, Manuscripts that do not meet the requirements will not be processed further or returned.

Manuscript Structure

In general, the manuscript should be organized in the following order: Title, Abstract, Background, Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion, Acknowledgements (if any), and References. The main title should be typed in bold capital letters and placed on the left of the page. The manuscript should be written according to this template here

1. Title

The title of the manuscript should not exceed 20 words, capitalized only at the beginning of the title with palatino linotype 14, bolded and spaced 1. Abbreviations are not allowed in the title. The author's name is written in full without a title, placed before the title in book antique italic 12 and affiliation size 8.

2. Abstract

Abstract is written in English. The abstract consists of no more than 250 words. It starts with a clear statement of the background, objectives, methods, results, and conclusions. References are never cited in the abstract. Abbreviations that appear in the abstract should be defined the first time they are used. In addition to the abstract, list up to 5 (five) keywords in alphabetical order that best describe the nature of the research.

3. Background

The background should provide the reader with the information necessary to understand the research presented in the manuscript. Previous research on the topic should be summarized, and the purpose of the current research should be clearly stated.

4. Methods

The methods follow the following structure:

4.1 Research design

Describe the research design used, such as correlation, experimental, quasi-experimental, cross-sectional, and others. Provide a relevant description of the design implemented in the study.

4.2 Location and sample

State when and where the research was conducted without mentioning the specific name of the research location. State the sampling technique used to collect the sample/participants as well as the inclusion and exclusion criteria. How the sample/participants were recruited should also be mentioned. Also, identify the sample size (and population, if applicable) and justify the sample size, including sample size calculation or power analysis, if applicable.

4.3 Intervention (if experimental research)

Describe the intervention, setting, and who provided the intervention. If the study includes a control group, describe what type of intervention was provided to the control group?

4.4 Instruments and data collection

Name and describe the instruments used for data collection! Clearly state whether the researcher developed, adopted, or modified instruments from previous studies, including citations and references. State the validity and reliability of the instruments, scales, interpretation, and administration. If translation was done from the original language, the authors should explain the procedures used to maintain the validity and reliability of the translated instrument. Describe how the data were collected. If data were collected by research assistants, please explain in the manuscript.

4.5 Data analysis

Clearly describe the techniques used for data analysis, including the computer software used. Please provide relevant references for specific analytical approaches/techniques (for qualitative studies).

4.6 Data validity (if qualitative study)

Describe the strategies used to maintain the validity of qualitative data, such as credibility, transferability, dependability, and confirmability.

4.7 Research ethics

Explain the ethical issues in this study, including how informed consent was obtained from respondents/participants. Provide a statement of approval from the health research ethics committee, including the reference number.

5. Results

Results state the main findings of the study instead of providing data in great detail. Results should be clear, concise, and can be reported in text or graph form. Please provide some introduction to the information presented in tables or figures. Each table is typed in 1 space. The number of tables is systematic as mentioned in the text and each comes with a short title. Provide explanations in the footnotes, not in the titles. Please explain in the footnotes all non-standard information mentioned in the table. The total number of tables should not exceed 6.

6. Discussion

The discussion should explore your findings. The following components should be addressed in the discussion: How do your results relate to the original question or objective outlined in the background section (what)? Do you provide a scientific interpretation for each of your results or findings presented (why)? Are your results consistent with what other researchers have reported (what else)? Or are there differences?

7. Conclusion

The conclusion should answer the research objectives. The conclusion must be clear to determine whether or not it is worthy of publication in a journal. Provide clear scientific justification and indicate possible applications and extensions. Recommendations should also be indicated to suggest future research and implications in nursing practice.

8. Acknowledgment [if any]

This is used to acknowledge the efforts of colleagues or research funding organizations, who are not listed as authors, but provided assistance for your research/publication.

9. References

All publications/references cited in the manuscript must be presented in the reference list using IEEE citation style and reference a minimum of 12 sources. Use citation with Mendeley reference manager etc. to organize references. References must be updated < 5 years:

[1] E. K. Ratnasari, R. V. H. Ginardi dan C. Fatichah, “Pengenalan penyakit noda pada citra daun tebu berdasarkan ciri tekstur fractal dimension co-occurrence matrix dan L*a*b* color moments,” JUTI, vol. 12, no. 2, p. 27– 36, 2014.

[2] J. Liu, Z. Chang, C. K. S. Leun, R. C. W. Wong, Y. Xu and R. Zha, "Efficient mining of extraordinary patterns by pruning and predicting," Expert Systems with Applications, vol. 125, no. July, pp. 55-68, 2019.

[3] M. Masinde and k. Mkhonto, "The Critical Success Factors for e-Government Implementation in South Africa’s Local government: Factoring in Apartheid Digital Divide," in 2019 IEEE 2nd International Conference on Information and Computer Technologies (ICICT), Kahului, HI, USA, 2019.

[4] J. R. Varma, "Blockchain in Finance," Vikalpa: The Journal for Decision Makers, vol. 44, no. 1, pp. 1-11, 2019.

[5] A. Orsdemir, G. Tilki and F. Altinay, "Evaluation by Teachers of “Use of Influence in Agile Management” by School Administration," International Journal of Disability, Development and Education, pp. 1-13, 2019


10. Tables

In tables, no vertical lines are used, and each term should begin with a capital letter and 1 space. Any explanations essential to the understanding of the table should be given as footnotes at the bottom of the table. All tables should be explained in the text.

11. Figures

Figures should be drawn on white paper, and the line width should be less than 1 mm. The left vertical line and the bottom horizontal line are used. All figures should be numbered consecutively.


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