JITeC ( Journal of Information Technology and Computer) is an open access scientific journal with Frequency publish is two issues each year (March and September), JITeC published theoretical and empirical peer-reviewed articles, which contribute to advance the understanding of phenomena related with all aspects of information and communication technology. This journal will play an important role in facilitating the exchange of knowledge and innovation in this field, as well as helping to encourage further developments in digital technology and communications
JITeC selects the articles to be published with a double bind, peer review system, following the practices of good scholarly journals. JITeC Published by Department of Information Technology and computers, Subang State Polytechnic, Indonesia
Current Issue
Vol. 1 No. 1 (2024): September
Journal of Information Technology and Computer (JITC) Volume 1, Edition 30 September 2024, is present as a forum for scientific publications covering various current topics in the field of information and computer technology. This journal contains relevant and high quality articles, covering research, development and implementation of technology that has had a significant impact in the world of education, industry and society.
We hope that the publication of this edition can help readers, researchers, academics and practitioners to gain new insights, innovative ideas and useful references in the development of information and computer technology. Topics covered include software development, computer networks, cybersecurity, artificial intelligence, Internet of Things (IoT), big data, and various other aspects of digital transformation.
By focusing on real contributions to science and practical applications, this journal is expected to be a source of inspiration and guidance to support further research and the implementation of relevant technology in today's digital era.
We would like to thank the authors, reviewers and all parties who have contributed to the publication of this journal. Hopefully this edition will provide broad benefits and encourage innovation in the future.
Published: 2025-01-10